Posts tagged Strategic Operator

10 benefits a GOOD coach can offer you?
Sep 30th
A good coach can help to 1. Raise self-awareness 2. Increase your awareness of others 3. Improve understanding of your impact on others 4. Challenge you to new ways of thinking 5. Problem solving to create change 6. Motivate you 7. Build Confidence / empowerment 8. Clarify purpose / goals 9. Hold you accountable 10.…

Business planning isn’t the be all and end all
Sep 22nd
Key Lessons Business planning is important but not the be all and end all Reviewing what is working and what isn’t is essential Be brave, take action and make changes When I as a start-up sole trader 10 years ago I spent a silly amount of time creating a business plan because I was told…

Are you an “All-Rounder” Strategic Operator?
Jun 30th
Being a technical expert in your field will have got you to a certain level in your business or career, however the more successful you are the more it is necessary to demonstrate a wider portfolio of skills. Often you may find you are doing less of the job you are a technical expert in,…

What is “Executive” coaching?
Mar 1st
There are many approaches to coaching: Business Coaching: about enhancing business performance Business Mentoring: coaching in a particular aspect of the business eg Finance Career Coaching: about enhancing career prospects Life Coaching: about enhancing personal satisfaction in life Executive Coaching deals with all of the above areas.Typically an executive coach will work to…

Quick Tips: Be better at Change
Sep 1st
The world of work and business is changing rapidly at the moment and there seems to be a high level of economic uncertainty. For many people this constant and rapid change can make them feel out of control. This in turn can create distress and stress. If you are a business leader having to Manage…
Quick Tips: Customer Focus
Dec 10th
In this current tough economic climate customers are thinking twice before spending money. One way to ensure customers choose to spend with you is to make sure you really look after them. Here are some quick tips about Customer Focus.
Quick Tips: Planning and Organising
Nov 10th
In the current climate where we all seem to be needing to do more with less, whether it is more tasks to do with less time or less cost. Being efficient and effective with your planning can impact on how well you use your time and what you achieve. Planning effectively can also help you…
Quick Tips: Decision Making
Oct 8th
Do you struggle with decision making? Do you spend time weighing up what to do? Do you find you procrastinate on making decisions? If this sounds like you then here are some quick tips for making decisions.Tweet
Quick Tips: Be a better Team Player
Jul 19th
In the current economic climate, how the team pull together and how you lead them is crucial to success. Here are some Quick Tips to “Boosting the Team you work in or Lead”Tweet