Posts tagged Managing Change

When things go wrong unexpectedly
Sep 22nd
Key Lessons Take stock of the situation and deal with the problem Re-assess your diary and slim down what you can to stay on track Accept that it’s not the end of the world and keep focused on getting things done Today I was raring to go with a packed to-do list. Determined and motivated…

Are you an “All-Rounder” Strategic Operator?
Jun 30th
Being a technical expert in your field will have got you to a certain level in your business or career, however the more successful you are the more it is necessary to demonstrate a wider portfolio of skills. Often you may find you are doing less of the job you are a technical expert in,…

Become a Self-Coach and Transform Your Life
May 26th
Learn how self coaching using the GROW model can boost your personal development, life and happiness Are you interested in coaching and the benefits of coaching? Do you have a problem and want to be proactive in solving it? Do you want to help others? This course helps you to be successful at problem solving…

10 Steps to Implement Change the Very Simple Way
Apr 3rd
When you are first faced with a change project it can be a bit overwhelming and difficult to know where to start. When you search for ideas there is lots of information available but all this information can also be overwhelming. Some change specialists have made Change Management a science. I have worked on change…

Managing Change The People Side
Mar 16th
Are you due to implement a change at work and want to get it right? Have you ever tried to implement a change in your team to then be faced with objections and negativity? Have you ever been part of a change at work and it was managed badly from start to finish? Despite the…

10 Year Birthday! Lessons
Jan 26th
I’ve just celebrated my 10 Year Business Birthday! Fanfares, balloons and bubbles all round. What an amazing achievement but is my business what I thought it would be when I was setting out on my entrepreneurial mission back in 2008? Quite simply the answer to this is “No”! Enabling Transitions 2018 is nothing like…

52 Tips for a Happier Life
Dec 31st
Formula for a great year Here are 52 things you can try to have a fantastic year – one a week. How many will you be able to tick off at the end of the year? Just carrying out a few of these will guarantee a happier year. 1. Life is short. Act Now. 2.…

Life is Unexpected but Amazing
Dec 31st
Oh what a traumatic 5 years 2012 Cancer 1, major depression (PTSD) and anxiety. My business was ruined and all my savings gone. Also I was a changed person. The old me was history and although I tried to get back on my feet the old Denise was gone. A very bad time. It took…

Stress – Positive vs Negative?
Oct 27th
Stress happens to us all and stress is around us every day. However our understanding of stress and it’s impact on ourselves and others is limited. It is a word, often used to describe distress, fatigue and feelings of not being able to cope. People tend to think of stress as being a negative experience…

Can’t See The Wood For The Trees?
Oct 11th
In my coaching sessions I often find coachees in a state of overwhelm and often feeling very negative about life and/or work and don’t know where to start to change it. A phrase often used to describe this is, Can’t see the wood for the trees Is this you? In life and at work you…