Personal Development
happiness, communication skills, self-awareness, confidence, motivation, change, life planning, resilience
Learn More About Yourself With An MBTI Assessment
Apr 17th
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is the best-known and most trusted personality assessment tool available today. As many as 2 million assessments are administered annually to individuals across the world. The Myers-Briggs® assessment has its roots in Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type. Katharine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, developed Jung’s theory…
Perform Better By Being A Strategic All Rounder
Apr 17th
Being a technical expert in your field will have got you to a certain level in your business or career, however the more successful you are the more it is necessary to demonstrate a wider portfolio of skills. Often you may find you are doing less of the job you are a technical expert in,…
IQ+Experience+ Emotional Intelligence=More Success
Apr 1st
Emotional Intelligence has been around for many years but for many people it seems a little airy-fairy. This blog is about how Emotional Intelligence can help people who are at the top of their game be more successful. Take two experienced qualified specialists in their fields, for example, two accountants…..they are both ready to become…
Why do you let yourself procrastinate?
May 3rd
I am a great procrastinator….I can assure you that it isn’t a claim to fame! It’s never a problem at the time but more often than not I am kicking myself and putting myself under immense pressure on the eve of a deadline. Notoriously at University I often worked through the night to finish…
When things go wrong unexpectedly
Sep 22nd
Key Lessons Take stock of the situation and deal with the problem Re-assess your diary and slim down what you can to stay on track Accept that it’s not the end of the world and keep focused on getting things done Today I was raring to go with a packed to-do list. Determined and motivated…
Working from your kitchen table
Sep 22nd
Key Lessons Create routines that work Catch yourself procrastinating Break up your day with meetings outside the home Many years ago working at home and from your spare room or kitchen table was seen negatively almost like you had to be in an office space to be actually working. People working at home used…
Business planning isn’t the be all and end all
Sep 22nd
Key Lessons Business planning is important but not the be all and end all Reviewing what is working and what isn’t is essential Be brave, take action and make changes When I as a start-up sole trader 10 years ago I spent a silly amount of time creating a business plan because I was told…
What key lessons have you learnt in business?
Sep 22nd
10 years ago when I was setting up my coaching and training business I had ideas about how this business was going to be successful. But it wasn’t how I thought it would be. What was successful and what didn’t work wasn’t what I mapped out in my business plan. In fact my business plan…
Truths that hurt or platitudes that heal?
Sep 22nd
Being honest is good isn’t it? Are you someone who says it as it is and very unfiltered? Do you wonder why the other person is hurt? Or do you filter your truth (commonly known as a white lie or more bluntly a lie)? So what do you do when someone asks you for…
Stop Being Judgemental, I hate it!
Aug 2nd
Have you ever been told you are too judgemental? Have you met others who are judgemental? It’s not nice is it? And being judgemental is not seen as being a good thing. Having said that we are all full of judgements developed through childhood, our families, our culture, our values and our experiences. Sometimes…