Personal Development
happiness, communication skills, self-awareness, confidence, motivation, change, life planning, resilience
Are you an “All-Rounder” Strategic Operator?
Jun 30th
Being a technical expert in your field will have got you to a certain level in your business or career, however the more successful you are the more it is necessary to demonstrate a wider portfolio of skills. Often you may find you are doing less of the job you are a technical expert in,…
Quick Tips: Be more Self-aware
Jun 17th
Successful people in life or business tend to be “self-aware”. They are aware of their strengths and equally are aware of their short comings. They also know what impact their behaviour and style has on others. So if being self-aware can make a difference to your success how can you boost your self-awareness. Here’s some…
Self-Awareness: The Key to Career and Life Success
May 29th
Find out why self-awareness is a fundamental factor in success. Learn how to assess and boost your self-awareness. Do you want to learn more about yourself? Do you want to be more successful in your life and relationships? Do you want to be more successful in your career or business? Then course is for you.…
Banish Procrastination NOW!
May 29th
Learn why you procrastinate, what you procrastinate about and tips to stop procrastinating at work and in your life. Do you find yourself procrastinating when you have a lot to do? Do you find the same tasks on your to-do list time and time again? Do you want to be more productive and stop wasting…
Personal Life Planning to Get The Life You Want
May 26th
Explore what you want out of life and what makes you tick then action Personal Life Plan goals from day 1 Do you want to get more out of your life? Are you drifting along in your life with no purpose? Do you still have life dreams but don’t know where to start? This…
Time to Wash, Rinse, Repeat your To-Do List
May 22nd
What’s your To-Do list like? Is it full of small maintenance tasks including parenting and home tasks? Or maybe you’re drifting into every day with no To-Do list? You can really get into the bad habit of living by your diary but actually only achieving getting through the day before it all starts again the…
Hello to Rapport
Apr 26th
Almost all people need some kind of human connection and interaction. In fact lack of human contact can lead to mental health issues. Some would say that even negative human contact is better than no contact. Some people find it really easy to make healthy and constructive friendships with others. They have a variety…
Tips to Have Better Connections With People
Apr 24th
When you feel lonely or that you don’t fit in with people it can be isolating and depressing. When you go out everywhere you look are people connecting with other people and being happy. Even if you got on a night out with friends you can feel you don’t fit in and still feel lonely.…
Are You People Fit?
Apr 23rd
“People Fitness” is all about making connections with people which lead to better relationships / friendships. Being “People Fit” is not easy for people who are not naturally good with people. If you are not “People Fit” then you can feel awkward in social situations, feel lonely and feel like you don’t fit in. At…
Warm and Fuzzy? Had a cuddle lately?
Apr 11th
Once upon a time, a long time ago there lived two very happy people called Tim and Maggi with their two children, John and Lucy. To understand how happy they were you have to understand how things were in those days. You see, in those happy days everyone was given, at birth, a small…