Posts tagged Change Management
5 things that make a coach a GOOD one
Sep 30th
Getting a GOOD coach is actually a lottery. There are so many coaches out there….some would say, “too many” and some would say, “what do they do?”. However we are hearing more and more that coaching is a good thing. So how do you know who is a GOOD coach? Here’s my criteria for choosing…
Are you an “All-Rounder” Strategic Operator?
Jun 30th
Being a technical expert in your field will have got you to a certain level in your business or career, however the more successful you are the more it is necessary to demonstrate a wider portfolio of skills. Often you may find you are doing less of the job you are a technical expert in,…
Become a Self-Coach and Transform Your Life
May 26th
Learn how self coaching using the GROW model can boost your personal development, life and happiness Are you interested in coaching and the benefits of coaching? Do you have a problem and want to be proactive in solving it? Do you want to help others? This course helps you to be successful at problem solving…
10 Steps to Implement Change the Very Simple Way
Apr 3rd
When you are first faced with a change project it can be a bit overwhelming and difficult to know where to start. When you search for ideas there is lots of information available but all this information can also be overwhelming. Some change specialists have made Change Management a science. I have worked on change…
Managing Change The People Side
Mar 16th
Are you due to implement a change at work and want to get it right? Have you ever tried to implement a change in your team to then be faced with objections and negativity? Have you ever been part of a change at work and it was managed badly from start to finish? Despite the…
What symptoms of stress do you experience?
Sep 30th
What Symptoms of stress do you experience? What can you do about it? Life events occur to most of us over a lifetime, and change our lives in some way. The emphasis here is on change – the events themselves can be positive or negative. Too many changes due to events, in a short period,…
What Happens to You When “Change” Happens?
Jan 12th
People respond to change in very similar ways although the speed that people deal with change and the peaks and troughs of emotion can vary great from person to person. The emotional response to change follows this pattern…. Shock / Anger Initially people need to time to recognise what is happening. For a time people…
Time to stop the SHOULDS, MUSTS and OUGHTS
Nov 16th
An area I pick up on in my coaching is language which can lead to why we end up seeking out a coach. These particular words can create havoc for many of us for example… You SHOULD You MUST You OUGHT How many times a day do you use the word “should” about yourself…
Test Your Resilience aka “your Tiggerness”
Sep 28th
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from tough situations and to avoid becoming a victim of helplessness. Being resilient can help you manage stress, lower your chances of depression, and has even been proven to make people live longer. You may feel like you’ve had so much bad luck that it’s impossible to come…
A Little Procrastination Humour
Mar 25th
I wonder how many of these quotes about procrastination strike a chord with you? Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday – Don Marquis After all is said and done, more is said than done. – Anonymous Procrastination is my sin… I know that I should stop it.…