Posts tagged Change Management
Quick Tips: Be better at Change
Sep 1st
The world of work and business is changing rapidly at the moment and there seems to be a high level of economic uncertainty. For many people this constant and rapid change can make them feel out of control. This in turn can create distress and stress. If you are a business leader having to Manage…
Ten Tips to Get a Job in Difficult Times
Jan 3rd
We live in ever changing times. These days there are few jobs which are for life. Technological changes has meant that jobs are changing too. In addition many of us change with age and experience too. So where you start on your career journey might not be where you want to be after a few…
Restructuring, potential redundancy, change and you?
Aug 26th
A potential restructuring/ redundancy situation is a forced and more often than not an unplanned change. As a result of this a number of concerns can arise…Tweet
Get practical if your job is under threat
Mar 1st
Practical Issues In a time of change and often a time of stress sometimes it is useful to focus on what needs to be done at that moment. For most people this means looking at the practicalities of your situation. This is sometimes called the survival technique because it’s about looking after yourselves and your…
How do you handle Life/Career Transitions?
Feb 22nd
Are you restructuring or making changes at work and want to do it well? Is change affecting you directly either at home or at work? Do you know where you want to be in 20 years time and would you like to know how to get there? If so then Enabling Transitions…
Performance Management – Plan – Do –Review Cycle
Jul 24th
Performance Management is about a cycle of Planning – Doing and Reviewing Planning is about… Planning what the organisation wants to achieve for the year Planning objectives for employees Making sure employees are focused Making sure employees have the skills to deliver Making sure employees feel motivated to deliver Doing is about…. Creating Action…
Quick Tips: Manage your Emotions
Apr 1st
Are you good at managing yourself, your emotions or behaviour? Or do you have moments where you put your foot in it, wished you hadn’t said what you did or lost your temper? Being able to manage yourself, your moods and your behaviours will impact on maximising your potential for success. Here are my quick…