Posts tagged Quick Tips

Quick Tips: Be more Self-aware
Jun 17th
Successful people in life or business tend to be “self-aware”. They are aware of their strengths and equally are aware of their short comings. They also know what impact their behaviour and style has on others. So if being self-aware can make a difference to your success how can you boost your self-awareness. Here’s some…

Time to Wash, Rinse, Repeat your To-Do List
May 22nd
What’s your To-Do list like? Is it full of small maintenance tasks including parenting and home tasks? Or maybe you’re drifting into every day with no To-Do list? You can really get into the bad habit of living by your diary but actually only achieving getting through the day before it all starts again the…

Are you “Mindful” Today?
Jan 23rd
I used to be put off by the word “mindfulness” and it’s rise in popularity in recent years. I suppose I don’t really like things that are the latest fad. When I explored mindfulness a little further I recognised that actually many of us practice mindfulness subconsciously and naturally. But what is mindfulness? I…

Do You Know an Emotional Vampire?
Jan 23rd
Emotional vampires are the sort of people who suck the life and mood out of you. Five minutes with them and you can stop smiling, lose your motivation and energy and they can end up spoiling your day. Sometimes you don’t even notice these people dragging you down. So who are they? The person who…

Are you Giving Yourself a Hard Time?
Jan 19th
Sometimes my coaching clients come to me because life is not good. They are stressed, anxious and unable to move on. And this seems to be never ending. Some people do seem to have phases of problems, bad luck and bad experiences. They seem to go from one problem to another. It just goes on…

Silencing Your Negative Inner Voice
Dec 24th
When you listen to your inner voice, do you hear words of encouragement and praise or condescending remarks and put-downs? More often than not, our inner voice is not very kind, and sometimes it is downright mean. It’s the voice that says that we can’t do something or that we’re not good enough, smart…

Tips to Deal With The Stress of Life
Nov 24th
What symptoms of stress do you experience? What can you do about it? Tweet

How Do You Change Your Life Forever?
Nov 17th
One of the questions I am asked in my coaching sessions is “How do I change my life forever? I’m so fed up. Everything I try fails” You are unhappy. You know you want to change your life however you seem to be on the merry-go-round year in year out. You start out making the…

How Well Do You Know Yourself?
Oct 21st
Self –awareness is all about knowing yourself and knowing how you impact on others. There are so many people who are not self-aware…you may know people who have no idea about themselves and how they come across to others. Also it is difficult sometimes to reflect and be honest about ourselves. But knowing yourself is…

Time to stop the SHOULDS, MUSTS and OUGHTS
Nov 16th
An area I pick up on in my coaching is language which can lead to why we end up seeking out a coach. These particular words can create havoc for many of us for example… You SHOULD You MUST You OUGHT How many times a day do you use the word “should” about yourself…