Change 2017

One of the questions I am asked in my coaching sessions is

“How do I change my life forever? I’m so fed up. Everything I try fails”

You are unhappy. You know you want to change your life however you seem to be on the merry-go-round year in year out.

You start out making the changes you want in your life, you make progress but something derails you. Then you stall, fall off track and all progress is lost. Sometimes you feel that things are even worse than before you started making changes.

Worse than this it like “Groundhog Day” because this cycle of failure has happened time and time again, year in year out. Repeat failure does nothing for your motivation and self-esteem.

So how can you make sure you do change your life for ever? It’s all about the planning.

Here are 10 tips to help.

1.       Start by listing everything you want to change – get it all out on paper or your computer.

2.       Make sure what you want to change is what YOU WANT to change – not what you think you should,  ought or someone else wants you to change.

3.       Although it is great to have a Big Audacious Goal be realistic about what you can achieve – something is better than nothing.

4.       If you feel you don’t know where to start then choose a small change – Baby steps lead to success.

5.       Before you start to take action spend some time reflecting about what you have tried before. There is no point doing what hasn’t worked before…without modifications.

  • What did you find easy? What did you find hard? And why?
  • What motivated you? What did you hate? And why?
  • What did you have success with? What made you fall off track? And why?
  • What helps you keep on track? What derails you?

6.       Now grab a piece of paper and explore the different ways you can make baby steps of change in your life. Try to get at least 20 ideas even wacky ones.

7.       Assess each idea

  • What are the pros and cons of each idea?
  • What are the time and cost implications of each idea?
  • What are the chances of success or failure of each idea?

8.       What are the top 3 ideas you can try? The ideas that are quick and easy to do? The ideas you can try tomorrow?

9.       What do you need to do, organise, buy etc. to start tomorrow and get through the first week and first month?

10.    START NOW! GO! DO IT!


go for your dreams