Posts tagged EI
Perform Better By Being A Strategic All Rounder
Apr 17th
Being a technical expert in your field will have got you to a certain level in your business or career, however the more successful you are the more it is necessary to demonstrate a wider portfolio of skills. Often you may find you are doing less of the job you are a technical expert in,…
IQ+Experience+ Emotional Intelligence=More Success
Apr 1st
Emotional Intelligence has been around for many years but for many people it seems a little airy-fairy. This blog is about how Emotional Intelligence can help people who are at the top of their game be more successful. Take two experienced qualified specialists in their fields, for example, two accountants…..they are both ready to become…
Truths that hurt or platitudes that heal?
Sep 22nd
Being honest is good isn’t it? Are you someone who says it as it is and very unfiltered? Do you wonder why the other person is hurt? Or do you filter your truth (commonly known as a white lie or more bluntly a lie)? So what do you do when someone asks you for…
Stop Being Judgemental, I hate it!
Aug 2nd
Have you ever been told you are too judgemental? Have you met others who are judgemental? It’s not nice is it? And being judgemental is not seen as being a good thing. Having said that we are all full of judgements developed through childhood, our families, our culture, our values and our experiences. Sometimes…
Quick Tips: Be more Self-aware
Jun 17th
Successful people in life or business tend to be “self-aware”. They are aware of their strengths and equally are aware of their short comings. They also know what impact their behaviour and style has on others. So if being self-aware can make a difference to your success how can you boost your self-awareness. Here’s some…
Self-Awareness: The Key to Career and Life Success
May 29th
Find out why self-awareness is a fundamental factor in success. Learn how to assess and boost your self-awareness. Do you want to learn more about yourself? Do you want to be more successful in your life and relationships? Do you want to be more successful in your career or business? Then course is for you.…
Test Your Resilience aka “your Tiggerness”
Sep 28th
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from tough situations and to avoid becoming a victim of helplessness. Being resilient can help you manage stress, lower your chances of depression, and has even been proven to make people live longer. You may feel like you’ve had so much bad luck that it’s impossible to come…
How Do You Bounce Back From Tough Situations? Be More Tigger!
Sep 28th
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from tough situations and to avoid becoming a victim of helplessness. Being resilient can help you manage stress, lower your chances of depression, and has even been proven to make people live longer. You may feel like you’ve had so much bad luck that it’s impossible to come…
A Little Procrastination Humour
Mar 25th
I wonder how many of these quotes about procrastination strike a chord with you? Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday – Don Marquis After all is said and done, more is said than done. – Anonymous Procrastination is my sin… I know that I should stop it.…