Is It Time to Create Your Life Plan?
This course will help you get the life you want now and in the future. Here's a £10 coupon normally £50. It will help you assess what you want in life and work out what you need to do in the next year. You will complete a variety of reflective exercises to explore who you are, what your life purpose is and take stock of your life now. Then create bullet proof objectives for you to action over the next 12 m... -
“Give me a ring if you want to talk” Why this doesn’t help a person wh...
Depression is a funny word in that we use it in the wrong way which actually diminishes what depression is. We hear people say they are depressed that day but the reality is they are just having a normal bad day. So what is depression and how can you help? So what behaviours do people who are depressed show? People can appear normal – they are often trying to deal with their depression and be stro... -
Real Confidence - not pretend confidence!
I often meet people who appear very confident but tell me that their confidence is something they have learnt to do.....a bit like putting a mask on or an overcoat. I also meet people who have learnt to act confident but are fed up of acting and want to be authentically confident. So what is true confidence? Is it the bubbly larger than life personality or the person who can talk to an audience with... -
What symptoms of stress do you experience?
What Symptoms of stress do you experience? What can you do about it? Life events occur to most of us over a lifetime, and change our lives in some way. The emphasis here is on change – the events themselves can be positive or negative. Too many changes due to events, in a short period, can lead to negative stress and ill health. Do you experience any of the following symptoms of stress? Physical Symptoms: T... -
Power Coaching Sessions- What Happens?
What is a Power Coaching Session? My Power Coaching Sessions are all about finding a rapid solution or way forward to a particular problem you may have. It doesn’t matter what this problem is, or the topic it is about. The intuitive way I work means that I can help you move forward. Some people say I have a sixth sense. Ok I’m not a magician so if your goal is to become a millionaire then you might not be ...
My Latest Tweets
Mental Health Depression Strategic Operator Goal Setting Stress Management Personal Development Self- awareness Life Coaching Stress Anxiety Life Planning EQ Confidence Goals Managing Change Coaching Career Development Career Coaching Enabling Transitions self-care Leadership Development Managing Performance Strategic Coaching Life Transitions Change Management Leadership Change Executive coaching Success Emotional Intelligence Procrastination Quick Tips
Denise Fletcher
Accredited coach, facilitator and trainer.
t: 0792 161 3646
e: denise@enablingtransitions.co.uk
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