Posts tagged Success

What key lessons have you learnt in business?
Sep 22nd
10 years ago when I was setting up my coaching and training business I had ideas about how this business was going to be successful. But it wasn’t how I thought it would be. What was successful and what didn’t work wasn’t what I mapped out in my business plan. In fact my business plan…

England Winning Penalties in the World Cup. This is Why Coaching Matters.
Jul 5th
What’s the point of coaching? I don’t get what coaching is about. How can you coach me in my business when you haven’t run a multi-million pound business yourself? Why does coaching matter? Being in the middle of the World Cup and the beginning of Wimbledon has just highlighted how crucial coaching is. Before…

Quick Tips: Be more Self-aware
Jun 17th
Successful people in life or business tend to be “self-aware”. They are aware of their strengths and equally are aware of their short comings. They also know what impact their behaviour and style has on others. So if being self-aware can make a difference to your success how can you boost your self-awareness. Here’s some…

Self-Awareness: The Key to Career and Life Success
May 29th
Find out why self-awareness is a fundamental factor in success. Learn how to assess and boost your self-awareness. Do you want to learn more about yourself? Do you want to be more successful in your life and relationships? Do you want to be more successful in your career or business? Then course is for you.…

Banish Procrastination NOW!
May 29th
Learn why you procrastinate, what you procrastinate about and tips to stop procrastinating at work and in your life. Do you find yourself procrastinating when you have a lot to do? Do you find the same tasks on your to-do list time and time again? Do you want to be more productive and stop wasting…

Tips to Have Better Connections With People
Apr 24th
When you feel lonely or that you don’t fit in with people it can be isolating and depressing. When you go out everywhere you look are people connecting with other people and being happy. Even if you got on a night out with friends you can feel you don’t fit in and still feel lonely.…

Do You Feel Trapped? Want to Break Free?
Apr 4th
Are you unhappy with something in your life but feel you can’t escape? Maybe it’s your job or maybe it’s your home life? Every time you even think about trying to change it you realise there will be knock on effects on everything and everyone in your life. There seems to be no solution. For…

Women Helping Women to Succeed #PressforProgress
Mar 5th
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for progressing gender parity. The theme for International Women’s Day 2018 is #PRESSFORPROGRESS To celebrate this I’d like to offer you this FREE ONLINE COURSE – Women Helping…

10 Year Birthday! Lessons
Jan 26th
I’ve just celebrated my 10 Year Business Birthday! Fanfares, balloons and bubbles all round. What an amazing achievement but is my business what I thought it would be when I was setting out on my entrepreneurial mission back in 2008? Quite simply the answer to this is “No”! Enabling Transitions 2018 is nothing like…

The Online Course Revolution: Learn Anytime, Anywhere, When You Want
Jan 14th
Technology has advanced greatly since online learning was first launched. Gone are the days where online training courses were yawn, yawn, yawn reading and lots of multiple choice quizzes at a PC. Now courses have interesting videos, and interaction with the instructor but technology means that courses can be taken at a time, place and pace…