What symptoms of stress do you experience?
What Symptoms of stress do you experience? What can you do about it?
Life events occur to most of us over a lifetime, and change our lives in some way.
The emphasis here is on change – the events themselves can be positive or negative. Too many changes due to events, in a short period, can lead to negative stress and ill health.
Do you experience any of the following symptoms of stress?
Physical Symptoms: Tight neck / shoulders. pounding heart, chest pain, headaches, high blood pressure, upset stomach, sleepiness, sleeplessness, sweating, rashes, fatigue
Emotions: Depression, anger, irritability, anxiety, low self-esteem, apathy, impatience, negativity, hysterical silliness, out of control
Behaviour: Overeating, forgetting to eat, arguing, neglecting personal hygiene, increased smoking, sleep patterns changed, forgetfulness, negativity, shouting at your friends and family
10 things you can do about stress
- Exercise more
- Find ways to relax
- Breath slowly and deeply - take in more oxygen
- Positive self talk
- Talk to a friend
- Look after yourself
- Keep a check on the reality of the situation
- Set some goals and priorities
- Write down how you are feeling
- Humour – laugh more
Time to Reflect: Let me know how stress impacts on you and any other tips you have to cope with stress? Contact me at denise@enablingtransitions.co.uk if you need further help and support
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