Posts tagged self-care
Questions to ask a coach before you engage with them
Sep 30th
You have decided to engage with a coach but how do you go about choosing a coach. There are lots of coaches out there and there are poor coaches and good ones. Coaching is unregulated so anyone can call themselves a coach so how do you find a GOOD coach? Here are some questions to…
10 benefits a GOOD coach can offer you?
Sep 30th
A good coach can help to 1. Raise self-awareness 2. Increase your awareness of others 3. Improve understanding of your impact on others 4. Challenge you to new ways of thinking 5. Problem solving to create change 6. Motivate you 7. Build Confidence / empowerment 8. Clarify purpose / goals 9. Hold you accountable 10.…
Self-Coaching and Engaging a Coach is the Dream Team
Jun 23rd
There are a raft of personal development books out in the universe so it is clear that there is a demand from people who want to improve themselves. It is easy to get shelves and shelves of personal development books but still not be able to sort out issues out. So why does self-coaching have…
Personal Life Planning to Get The Life You Want
May 26th
Explore what you want out of life and what makes you tick then action Personal Life Plan goals from day 1 Do you want to get more out of your life? Are you drifting along in your life with no purpose? Do you still have life dreams but don’t know where to start? This…
Warm and Fuzzy? Had a cuddle lately?
Apr 11th
Once upon a time, a long time ago there lived two very happy people called Tim and Maggi with their two children, John and Lucy. To understand how happy they were you have to understand how things were in those days. You see, in those happy days everyone was given, at birth, a small…
Do You Feel Trapped? Want to Break Free?
Apr 4th
Are you unhappy with something in your life but feel you can’t escape? Maybe it’s your job or maybe it’s your home life? Every time you even think about trying to change it you realise there will be knock on effects on everything and everyone in your life. There seems to be no solution. For…
Macho, Manly, Masculine But Not Feeling So Happy?
Mar 26th
Did you know? 1 in 8 men suffer from mental ill health 3 out of 4 suicides are men Suicide is the biggest killer in men under 35 Men are more likely to use and die from drugs or alcohol Men are less likely to seek help That last point is so true, men are…
Are you “Stroking” anyone today?
Mar 24th
The term “Strokes” originates from the psychological theory of Transactional Analysis created by Eric Berne and others. Transactional Analysis is essentially a theory about communication and relationships. Strokes are a way of describing how we acknowledge people or give feedback which can be in the form of physical strokes, such as a hug, but…
Women Helping Women to Succeed #PressforProgress
Mar 5th
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for progressing gender parity. The theme for International Women’s Day 2018 is #PRESSFORPROGRESS To celebrate this I’d like to offer you this FREE ONLINE COURSE – Women Helping…
Are you Giving Yourself a Hard Time?
Jan 19th
Sometimes my coaching clients come to me because life is not good. They are stressed, anxious and unable to move on. And this seems to be never ending. Some people do seem to have phases of problems, bad luck and bad experiences. They seem to go from one problem to another. It just goes on…