Posts tagged self-care
How to Start Loving Yourself
Jan 18th
Often my coaching clients are not their own “best friend”. They often are their own worst critic, speaking negatively about themselves and running themselves down. It’s like we have a negative voice in our head. Are you self-critical? Do you run yourself down? Do you have a negative inner voice? Are you sabotaging yourself? This…
Off work? Time to take a break? Time to refresh?
Dec 23rd
Whether it is holiday time, you’ve been rushed off your feet or maybe feeling stressed or anxious we often hear the words “You need to take a break” but “Take a Break” can mean different things to different people. For some people it means doing nothing whilst for others it means climbing a mountain. Many…
Different Strokes for Different Folks
Oct 20th
We all need strokes, whether positive or negative. The worse thing of all is no strokes So what do I mean by strokes? Strokes according to Eric Berne are “units of recognition”. Every person has the need to be touched and to be recognised by other people. This name “strokes” came from research which indicated that…