Posts tagged Life Transitions

Do This to Take Control of Your Career
May 24th
It’s quite common practice for jobs to be described in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes require to do them. It is often shortened to KSA. Although these days we don’t like the word “attitudes” because it sounds subjective. So I tend to use Values / Company Culture. Good companies will tend to…

Questions to ask a coach before you engage with them
Sep 30th
You have decided to engage with a coach but how do you go about choosing a coach. There are lots of coaches out there and there are poor coaches and good ones. Coaching is unregulated so anyone can call themselves a coach so how do you find a GOOD coach? Here are some questions to…

Dream Big, Think Smart, Start Small
Sep 22nd
Key Lessons Don’t spend money you haven’t got Invest extra time to find out more before spending money Dream big, think smart, start small I often coach people who want to start a business or have just taken the plunge. Starting with big dreams and then realising that business is not as easy as it…

Soft Skills Assessment for Career Success
May 26th
Assess your soft skills using the Success@Work Model and create your action plan for career success Do you want to improve your career prospects? Do you want to be promoted at work? Do you want to improve yourself at work? This course helps you to be successful in work and in your career. It helps…

Personal Life Planning to Get The Life You Want
May 26th
Explore what you want out of life and what makes you tick then action Personal Life Plan goals from day 1 Do you want to get more out of your life? Are you drifting along in your life with no purpose? Do you still have life dreams but don’t know where to start? This…

Time to Wash, Rinse, Repeat your To-Do List
May 22nd
What’s your To-Do list like? Is it full of small maintenance tasks including parenting and home tasks? Or maybe you’re drifting into every day with no To-Do list? You can really get into the bad habit of living by your diary but actually only achieving getting through the day before it all starts again the…

Do You Feel Trapped? Want to Break Free?
Apr 4th
Are you unhappy with something in your life but feel you can’t escape? Maybe it’s your job or maybe it’s your home life? Every time you even think about trying to change it you realise there will be knock on effects on everything and everyone in your life. There seems to be no solution. For…

52 Tips for a Happier Life
Dec 31st
Formula for a great year Here are 52 things you can try to have a fantastic year – one a week. How many will you be able to tick off at the end of the year? Just carrying out a few of these will guarantee a happier year. 1. Life is short. Act Now. 2.…

Is It Time to Create Your Life Plan?
Jan 12th
This course will help you get the life you want now and in the future. Here’s a £10 coupon normally £50. It will help you assess what you want in life and work out what you need to do in the next year. You will complete a variety of reflective exercises to explore who you are, what…

The Stages of Successful Personal Change – Prochaska’s Model
Dec 26th
Although there are changes everywhere we look…. Personal change is often a “choice” decision There are times during the year or a persons life that create impetus to making changes to the person’s life. Sometimes major changes. Sometimes it’s a birthday that triggers change, or maybe a photograph. Often it is the end of another…