Personal Development
happiness, communication skills, self-awareness, confidence, motivation, change, life planning, resilience

What’s your purpose in life? Assess your skills to find out.
Jun 4th
If you want to change your career or if your job is under threat due to restructuring or potential redundancy you have an opportunity to take stock of your life.Tweet

Do You Procrastinate Like Ellen Degeneres?
Mar 26th
Love this video featuring Ellen Degeneres talking about Procrastination Stop Procrastinating! Ellen Degeneres Tweet

FREE online course for International Women’s Day: Women Helping Women to Succeed
Mar 6th
Course Description This online video course was originally created as a gift to women around the world and in support of International Women’s Day which is celebrated every year on March 8th. International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks…

Real Confidence – not pretend confidence!
Jan 20th
I often meet people who appear very confident but tell me that their confidence is something they have learnt to do…..a bit like putting a mask on or an overcoat. I also meet people who have learnt to act confident but are fed up of acting and want to be authentically confident. So what is…

Make Your Habit Change STICK
Jan 19th
I have failed one of my New Years’ Resolutions! Shock horror, who cares? And does it really matter? Whether you set New Years’ Resolutions or think it’s just a waste of time some people, including myself find them useful. In fact each year I do a mini life audit to get clarity and sense…

How to Start Loving Yourself
Jan 18th
Often my coaching clients are not their own “best friend”. They often are their own worst critic, speaking negatively about themselves and running themselves down. It’s like we have a negative voice in our head. Are you self-critical? Do you run yourself down? Do you have a negative inner voice? Are you sabotaging yourself? This…

The Online Course Revolution: Learn Anytime, Anywhere, When You Want
Jan 14th
Technology has advanced greatly since online learning was first launched. Gone are the days where online training courses were yawn, yawn, yawn reading and lots of multiple choice quizzes at a PC. Now courses have interesting videos, and interaction with the instructor but technology means that courses can be taken at a time, place and pace…

Do You Want to Start Change Happening?
Jan 12th
How many people do you know who want to change their life but never seem to make it happen? Maybe this is you too? Are you fed up of starting each week with good intentions but then never getting past Monday? Half the battle is just to get started. Here are some tips to start…

What Happens to You When “Change” Happens?
Jan 12th
People respond to change in very similar ways although the speed that people deal with change and the peaks and troughs of emotion can vary great from person to person. The emotional response to change follows this pattern…. Shock / Anger Initially people need to time to recognise what is happening. For a time people…

Is It Time to Create Your Life Plan?
Jan 12th
This course will help you get the life you want now and in the future. Here’s a £10 coupon normally £50. It will help you assess what you want in life and work out what you need to do in the next year. You will complete a variety of reflective exercises to explore who you are, what…