Posts tagged Executive coaching
Monitoring Performance
Jul 25th
When you are managing performance the annual appraisal /review is only a snap shot record of performance. Managing performance is what a manager does on a daily basis. Make sure you do regular 121s – give employees quality 121 time. Remind yourself about what you want people to achieve. Make sure everyone knows what the…
Coaching for Performance
Jul 25th
I love this model courtesy of Sir John Whitmore – GROW
GROW is the most globally recognised coaching model
It can be used formally in a coaching session
Or for on the spot coaching / corridor coaching
It can be used in a 121 meeting, on the telephone or a quick 10 minute chat
Using a coaching style can really develop and empower people.

Performance Management – Plan – Do –Review Cycle
Jul 24th
Performance Management is about a cycle of Planning – Doing and Reviewing Planning is about… Planning what the organisation wants to achieve for the year Planning objectives for employees Making sure employees are focused Making sure employees have the skills to deliver Making sure employees feel motivated to deliver Doing is about…. Creating Action…
Quick Tips: Manage your Emotions
Apr 1st
Are you good at managing yourself, your emotions or behaviour? Or do you have moments where you put your foot in it, wished you hadn’t said what you did or lost your temper? Being able to manage yourself, your moods and your behaviours will impact on maximising your potential for success. Here are my quick…