Posts tagged Depression
Feeling The Blues?
Jan 14th
Monday 15th January 2018 is the most depressing day of the year! Commonly known as Blue Monday in the UK It’s cold! Very cold and dark! + Christmas bills need paying + New Year’s resolutions have failed = Blue Monday!! It occurs on the third Monday of January. This year it is 15th January.…
Happy Monday not Blue Monday!
Jan 14th
The third Monday of January in the Northern Hemisphere has been awarded the gloomy title of “Blue Monday” due to a combination of post-Christmas blues, cold dark nights and the arrival of unpaid bills. However as we all know “Blue Monday” could be any day of the year for any of us. Very few people…
Have You Lost Your Mojo in January?
Jan 13th
January is a strange month, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere First it is cold, dark and gloomy weather-wise. Then we are often dreading the bills after overspending at Christmas. Finally if we have set any New Years’ Resolutions we often find that all our motivation and willpower drains away pretty quick, apparently by mid-January In…
What Happens to You When “Change” Happens?
Jan 12th
People respond to change in very similar ways although the speed that people deal with change and the peaks and troughs of emotion can vary great from person to person. The emotional response to change follows this pattern…. Shock / Anger Initially people need to time to recognise what is happening. For a time people…
Listening and Random Acts of Kindness
Dec 23rd
I had a knock at the door today and it was an elderly lady who I occasionally bump into on my dog walks and chat to. She wanted to give me a Christmas card and said to me, Thank you for talking to me, I know you are on your own with your son and…
Off work? Time to take a break? Time to refresh?
Dec 23rd
Whether it is holiday time, you’ve been rushed off your feet or maybe feeling stressed or anxious we often hear the words “You need to take a break” but “Take a Break” can mean different things to different people. For some people it means doing nothing whilst for others it means climbing a mountain. Many…