Posts tagged Depression
10 Year Birthday! Lessons
Jan 26th
I’ve just celebrated my 10 Year Business Birthday! Fanfares, balloons and bubbles all round. What an amazing achievement but is my business what I thought it would be when I was setting out on my entrepreneurial mission back in 2008? Quite simply the answer to this is “No”! Enabling Transitions 2018 is nothing like…
Are you “Mindful” Today?
Jan 23rd
I used to be put off by the word “mindfulness” and it’s rise in popularity in recent years. I suppose I don’t really like things that are the latest fad. When I explored mindfulness a little further I recognised that actually many of us practice mindfulness subconsciously and naturally. But what is mindfulness? I…
Do You Know an Emotional Vampire?
Jan 23rd
Emotional vampires are the sort of people who suck the life and mood out of you. Five minutes with them and you can stop smiling, lose your motivation and energy and they can end up spoiling your day. Sometimes you don’t even notice these people dragging you down. So who are they? The person who…
Are you Giving Yourself a Hard Time?
Jan 19th
Sometimes my coaching clients come to me because life is not good. They are stressed, anxious and unable to move on. And this seems to be never ending. Some people do seem to have phases of problems, bad luck and bad experiences. They seem to go from one problem to another. It just goes on…
52 Tips for a Happier Life
Dec 31st
Formula for a great year Here are 52 things you can try to have a fantastic year – one a week. How many will you be able to tick off at the end of the year? Just carrying out a few of these will guarantee a happier year. 1. Life is short. Act Now. 2.…
Life is Unexpected but Amazing
Dec 31st
Oh what a traumatic 5 years 2012 Cancer 1, major depression (PTSD) and anxiety. My business was ruined and all my savings gone. Also I was a changed person. The old me was history and although I tried to get back on my feet the old Denise was gone. A very bad time. It took…
Can’t See The Wood For The Trees?
Oct 11th
In my coaching sessions I often find coachees in a state of overwhelm and often feeling very negative about life and/or work and don’t know where to start to change it. A phrase often used to describe this is, Can’t see the wood for the trees Is this you? In life and at work you…
Are You Just Being Lazy?
Aug 30th
You can see my dogs Jeffrey and Monty have a hard life being lazy! There are different types of laziness. For instance you could be working hard all week or for a period of time, like during exams and then allow yourself to be lazy at the weekend and have a “duvet day” or watch…
Stress? Is it positive or negative?
May 6th
Stress is something that happens to all of us, and yet our understanding of it is far from complete. Tweet
“Give me a ring if you want to talk” Why this doesn’t help a person who is depressed.
Apr 25th
Depression is a funny word in that we use it in the wrong way which actually diminishes what depression is.Tweet