The third Monday of January in the Northern Hemisphere has been awarded the gloomy title of “Blue Monday” due to a combination of post-Christmas blues, cold dark nights and the arrival of unpaid bills.

However as we all know “Blue Monday” could be any day of the year for any of us. Very few people are immune to feeling gloomy sometimes. So what can you do to turn gloomy days into blooming days?

Happy Monday

Here are my Quick Tips to combating the blues

1.    Smile even if you are on your own….. Go on try it now!

2.    Go for a walk – what you can see, smell, and hear?

3.    What you are grateful for? Make a list.

4.    Be kind to people you know, strangers, neighbours and yourself

5.    Dance and Sing – Maybe a little “Happy” from Bruno Mars

6.    Learn something new – check out these motivational online courses

Here’s some inspiration to blow away blues any day of the week

Destination is the Journey with Sharon Ramel




Sacred Self Care (and why it is so important) Stina Smith

Woman sat



Five Habits of Happy People Darlene M Ramirez

 Happy Woman


Time to reflect: How do you give yourself a boost when you’re feeling down? Please share your tips


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