Posts tagged Career Coaching

Quick Tips: Be more Self-aware
Jun 17th
Successful people in life or business tend to be “self-aware”. They are aware of their strengths and equally are aware of their short comings. They also know what impact their behaviour and style has on others. So if being self-aware can make a difference to your success how can you boost your self-awareness. Here’s some…

Self-Awareness: The Key to Career and Life Success
May 29th
Find out why self-awareness is a fundamental factor in success. Learn how to assess and boost your self-awareness. Do you want to learn more about yourself? Do you want to be more successful in your life and relationships? Do you want to be more successful in your career or business? Then course is for you.…

Become a Self-Coach and Transform Your Life
May 26th
Learn how self coaching using the GROW model can boost your personal development, life and happiness Are you interested in coaching and the benefits of coaching? Do you have a problem and want to be proactive in solving it? Do you want to help others? This course helps you to be successful at problem solving…

Power Coaching Sessions- What Happens?
Mar 27th
What is a Power Coaching Session? My Power Coaching Sessions are all about finding a rapid solution or way forward to a particular problem you may have. It doesn’t matter what this problem is, or the topic it is about. The intuitive way I work means that I can help you move forward. Some people…

Women Helping Women to Succeed #PressforProgress
Mar 5th
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for progressing gender parity. The theme for International Women’s Day 2018 is #PRESSFORPROGRESS To celebrate this I’d like to offer you this FREE ONLINE COURSE – Women Helping…

Stress – Positive vs Negative?
Oct 27th
Stress happens to us all and stress is around us every day. However our understanding of stress and it’s impact on ourselves and others is limited. It is a word, often used to describe distress, fatigue and feelings of not being able to cope. People tend to think of stress as being a negative experience…
What symptoms of stress do you experience?
Sep 30th
What Symptoms of stress do you experience? What can you do about it? Life events occur to most of us over a lifetime, and change our lives in some way. The emphasis here is on change – the events themselves can be positive or negative. Too many changes due to events, in a short period,…

What’s your purpose in life? Assess your skills to find out.
Jun 4th
If you want to change your career or if your job is under threat due to restructuring or potential redundancy you have an opportunity to take stock of your life.Tweet

Off work? Time to take a break? Time to refresh?
Dec 23rd
Whether it is holiday time, you’ve been rushed off your feet or maybe feeling stressed or anxious we often hear the words “You need to take a break” but “Take a Break” can mean different things to different people. For some people it means doing nothing whilst for others it means climbing a mountain. Many…