Posts tagged Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills – Handling Nerves
Nov 7th
Giving a presentation can be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences a person can have. People who are fearful of presenting far outweigh those who are confident of presenting. Even the most confident of presenters will confess to being nervous even if they don’t show it outwardly. They have simply learnt how to handle…
Presentations – Bells and whistles beware!
Oct 28th
Having a great structure to a presentation will often mean your presentation is heard and often remembered by the audience which will mean you have succeeded with your presentation. Power Point offers a range of “Add-ons” or technological gimmicks. Unless you are confident with the technology these are best left alone unless they add to…
Presentations – Keeping the structure nice and simple
Oct 27th
Presentation Skills is a topic where some people think they’re good at it…. But often they’re not, whilst others fear it and avoid it. The truth is that it’s much harder than it looks and much more goes on behind the scenes to make a presentation effective and look effortless. Here are some tips to…