Presentations – Bells and whistles beware!
Having a great structure to a presentation will often mean your presentation is heard and often remembered by the audience which will mean you have succeeded with your presentation. Power Point offers a range of “Add-ons” or technological gimmicks. Unless you are confident with the technology these are best left alone unless they add to the presentation message. I see a lot of presentations and 8 times out of 10 those with lots of technology end up having problems. So what sorts of things are best avoided?
- Humour – Use with caution…what is funny to you may be very unfunny to others. It may be interesting to have a story / case study.
- Too many slides – Known as “Death by Power Point”. The fewer the better. Approximately 7 slides if 10 mins……10 slides if 20 mins…….12 slides if 30 mins. Presentations longer than 60 minutes really need to be broken up with and exercise / group interaction.
- Poor slides with too many words on – visual failure / boring. Make sure your slides are readable from a distance. Good to have a picture and words on a slide and to vary the slide layout to avoid too many bullet points.
- Over using technology – A few well done plain slides can create more impact and you can control easier. If technology fails you it can trip you up so you lose credibility. Remember K.I.S.S. Keep it simple silly!
- Be aware that slide transitions, graphics etc. can create large files which are difficult to email. Again better to have simple but visually effective slides.
- Be prepared for technological breakdown – Plan B! Make sure you have copies of the slides as handouts.
Coaching to help prepare and deliver presentations is available – contact Denise 07921613646Tweet
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