In times of economic uncertainty good Leadership is even more crucial. Are you a Manager or are you a Leader? Are you the sort of Leader your people want to work for? Do you know what you need to do to develop your Leadership ability? Here are some tips to boost your Leadership ability.

1. Understand the difference between management and Leadership.

2. Try to adapt yourself to get the best out of people – never expect people to adapt to your management style.

3. Be a role model to others and ensure people you lead understand what you are trying to achieve

4. Ensure the people you lead understand your values and expectations.

5. Empower and trust people first. Set objectives for people and monitor performance in a positive way.

6. Adopt a coaching style to continually develop and motivate people.

7. Give your team chance to be individuals within the team and recognise their individual contributions.

8. Analyse your development areas. Try this quick assessment

9. Search the Internet to find out more about Leadership.

10. Obtain a coach to be a better leader. Contact to find out how a coaching can be a cost effective way to improve yourself and your people.

Time to Reflect:

Are you a good Leader? What do you need to do to be an even better Leader?