
What symptoms of stress do you experience? What can you do about it?


Life events occur to most of us over a lifetime, and change our lives in some way.

The emphasis here is on change – the events themselves can be positive or negative. Too many changes due to events, in a short period, can lead to negative stress and ill health.

Do you experience any of the following symptoms of stress?

Physical Symptoms: Tight neck / shoulders. pounding heart, chest pain, headaches, high blood  pressure, upset stomach, sleepiness, sleeplessness, sweating, rashes, fatigue.

Emotions: Depression, anger, irritability, anxiety, low self-esteem, apathy, impatience, negativity, hysterical silliness, out of control.

Behaviour: Overeating, forgetting to eat, arguing, neglecting personal hygiene, increased smoking / drinking /drugs/painkillers, sleep patterns changed, forgetfulness, negativity, shouting at your friends and family.

 10 things you can do about stress

  1. Exercise more – even a gentle walk can help.
  2. Find ways to relax – maybe a bath, a massage, meditation, dance etc..
  3. Breath slowly and deeply - take in more oxygen.
  4. Positive self-talk – remind yourself this can be dealt with.
  5. Talk to a friend – reach out and ask for help.
  6. Look after yourself – pamper yourself.
  7. Keep a check on the reality of the situation. What can you really control today?
  8. Set some goals and priorities. Just know that sometimes baby steps are needed.
  9. Write down how you are feeling – just getting it out on paper can help.
  10. Humour – laugh more… some comedy.

Time to Reflect:  Let me know how stress impacts on you and any other tips you have to cope with stress?

Success Coaching